Why uniforms?

Wearing uniforms has been a method of the Scouting movement from the beginning. Decades of experience show uniforming to have many benefits, including these:

For these reasons, among others, all parents should emphasize to their Scouts the importance of wearing the correct and complete uniform on all suitable occasions.

Uniform Inspections

At least once each year, Pack 354 leadership will hold uniform inspections during our monthly Pack meetings.  Den Leaders may conduct sporadic uniform inspections, as well.  The goal of these inspections is not to enforce standards, but rather to encourage pride, responsibility and self-confidence  in our Cub Scouts.  Being recognized for wearing a full uniform and wearing it properly is an easy way for a Cub Scout to build success.  We encourage families to have their Scout be entirely responsible for the upkeep of his uniform at home.

We understand that, often, families new to Scouting may not yet have purchased a full uniform prior to the first inspection.  In these cases, we still encourage boys to participate in the inspection process -- points for cleanliness and attitude can still be earned, and it's a great experience to build on.

New Uniform Tips

Uniforms can be purchased at the Scout shop located at 411 E Huntington Dr #117, Arcadia, CA 91006. The staff there can help you get the appropriate uniform for your child's rank. Or consider browsing our uniform exchange.


The Lion uniform consists of a t-shirt, hat, neckchief/ slide, and convertible pants (optional). It is only worn for one year (unless you get the convertible pants too).

Cub Scouts (Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos I):

The Cub Scout uniform consists of a shirt, convertible pants, hat, neckerchief/ slide, socks, belt, rank handbook and patches. Your child will be in this uniform for as long as 4-5 years, so size appropriately. The hat, neckerchief/ slide, and belt buckle need to be updated annually with each advancement in rank. 

Webelos II:

Senior webelos (5th graders) can continue to wear their Cub Scout uniform, but are also permitted to wear the khaki/green uniform that they will be wearing as Boy Scouts.

Where to Purchase Uniforms?